Sunday 19 February 2012

Sunday 19th February 2012

Today I went to see 'Picasso and Modern British Art' at Tate Britain. Always good to see some Picassos but . . . a bit disappointed by this show. Surprised not a single British female artist has apparently been influenced by Picasso. And the artists that were represented seemed accidentally belittled by showing their most derivative work rather than their best. Perhaps an examination of the work of one artist, say Bacon, in relation to Picasso's work would have been more inspiring and allowed room for both artists' work to shine. Felt the show lacked heart; generally patchy, contrived and lacking. On a positive note there were some beautiful paintings, mostly by Picasso. (And the catalogue is really very good - what the show is trying to say works better in book form.)

Here's a lovely Hockney drawing from the exhibition, one of two showing his idolisation of Picasso - in this one a young Hockney is naked while watching Picasso look at some of his work.

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